Gentrification in Philadelphia – Grace Diliberto

Gentrification, defined as the buying and renovation of houses and stores in deteriorated urban neighborhoods by upper or middle income families or individuals, thus improving property values but often displacing low-income families and small businesses, has been a source of much controversy as it has become increasingly prevalent in many cities. Following World War II Philadelphia experienced a sort of ‘suburban flight’ as people, aided by the rise of the automobile, moved out of the city in search of space and greenery. Additionally, with a decline in industrial activity and available office space, the economic activity in Philadelphia began to suffer.

In more recent decades, however, Philadelphia has experienced a resurgence of people, largely young adults, and business to many of its neighborhoods. This comeback of people to Philadelphia has had positive results for business, while creating a drastic rise in housing prices and clashes between older residents, many of whom have lived in particular neighborhoods for generations and the more recent residents. With this project I would like to explore the various factors at play with the gentrification of Philadelphia throughout the past few decades. What caused this resurgence of people and business into the city? What effects have the new comers had on the older generations of people living in the neighborhoods? What conflicts have arisen out of this? Is it possible to have urban renewal without pushing the minority, low-income families out?

New, mod apartments being built next to older, more traditional city housing, a result of gentrification in many Philadelphia neighborhoods:

The above article that I stumbled upon in beginning my research happens to be about a specific block in the Bella Vista neighborhood of Philadelphia in which my family almost bought a house.

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